Frequently Asked Questions

1. Your dental appointment is RESERVED especially for you.  We understand that things come up and you may need to change your appointment.  Should you need do so, we request that you give us 2 business days notice or a cancellation fee may be applied.  This allows us to offer the opportunity to another patient.

2. When you schedule your appointment, an email or SMS text message is sent immediately to you to SAVE THE DATE.  You will also receive an email or text reminder 1 week and 2 days prior to your appointment. It is important that you respond to the messages so that our computer system confirms your appointment.

3. There are a few instances that we need you to reschedule your appointment:

a. If you are fighting a COLD or FLU.  If you are feeling sick, we want you to be resting and recovering.  In addition, as a medical facility we often see well over 25-30 patients a day and do our utmost best to prevent the spread of communicable illnesses.

b. If you have any sort of undiagnosed medical condition.  If you are currently undergoing tests for an undiagnosed medical condition, we recommend that you wait until a diagnosis is confirmed by your medical doctor before you have your dental appointment.  In some instances, certain medical conditions require special considerations for dental treatment; so it is of the utmost importance that we also know the diagnosis of the medical condition.

4. Dental Emergencies like a toothache or a broken filling/tooth can occur.  We always do our very best to schedule you an appointment to examine the condition as soon as possible.  In the event of a tooth avulsion (tooth is knocked out completely), we want you to call us IMMEDIATELY. This is considered a TRUE dental emergency and the sooner you are seen, the greater the opportunity for success in saving the tooth.  On our office voice message, there is an AFTER HOURS contact number for such true dental emergencies.

5. Always schedule your next visit.  We recommend that everyone reserves the appointment for their next visit before they leave the dental office.  There are certain time slots that are often more favoured, so this way we can ensure you get an appointment time that works best for you.

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