Unit 4 - 6305 120th Street
North Delta, BC
V4E 2A6

Top Five Tips in Dealing With Halloween Treats and Keeping Away the Sugar Bugs 

1) Don’t let your child keep all the treats! Give them a smaller bag to let them pick their favourites. Take the leftovers for the adults at work. Alternatively, some charities accept them as donations and there are some dentists that do “candy buy-back” promotions as well.

2) Don’t eat your treats throughout the day. It’s better to have your treats with your meal, rather than in between meals. Sugar bugs feast off of all carbohydrates we consume to produce acid that can lead to tooth decay. The more often you eat carbs, the longer your mouth stays acidic and the higher your risk for tooth decay.

3) Set a limit to how long the candy stays in the house. Eg: 1-2 weeks. Once that deadline has pasw, get rid of the leftovers!

4) Chocolate vs Candy?  Which is worse? Anything that is sticky in nature is generally a worse option as it can feeding those sugar bugs!

5) Always brush and floss after having treats to make sure there aren’t any leftovers the sugars bugs can continue to feast on!

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