Unit 4 - 6305 120th Street
North Delta, BC
V4E 2A6

What is Bruxism?


Bruxism – the clenching, grinding and gnashing of teeth (commonly unconsciously while we sleep) can cause severe damage to our teeth.
In the above photo of a lost tooth, the patient, in his 50s, fractured his tooth through the middle all the way into the nerve and past it, in a vertical direction, necessitating the tooth to be extracted.  This tooth is what we would call a ‘virgin tooth’, meaning there had never been any dental work (eg: filling) done on it previously.
Bruxism can cause some symptoms including headaches (especially in the morning), sore jaw muscles, sensitivity of teeth and even toothaches
Tooth wear can also be associated with certain airway or breathing conditions like sleep apnea, so your dentist may discuss this with you as well.
A night guard or a bite splint is an occlusal appliance that is commonly used to help alleviate the complications associated with bruxism.
Contact a member of our North Delta Dental team at 604-596-9900 or reception@northdeltadentist.ca if you think you have signs and symptoms of Bruxism to find out how we can help!


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