Unit 4 - 6305 120th Street
North Delta, BC
V4E 2A6

Welcoming New Patients

Welcoming New Patients
The New Patient Comprehensive Examination


As Summer is ending and Back to School is just around the corner, make sure your family’s dental health is in tip-top shape by scheduling a dental appointment with Dr. Calvin Tham and his team!


When scheduling the first appointment at our dental office, we reserve about 1-1.5 hours of time to complete a comprehensive examination that is a thorough evaluation of your oral health that sets the foundation of all your future dental exams.


Unlike routine dental checkup exams which most people are most accustomed to, our comprehensive examination is more in depth and therefore takes more time to complete.  This involves us conducting a full examination of your muscles, joints, bite, teeth, gums and surrounding tissues.  This is the reason the comprehensive examination is scheduled separately from the professional hygiene appointment.


Watch this Spear video to gain a better understanding of what is involved in a comprehensive examination and why at North Delta Dental we begin with this examination as the starting point to providing you and your family with optimal and outstanding dental care!


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