Unit 4 - 6305 120th Street
North Delta, BC
V4E 2A6

How to Pick the Right Toothpaste for You


When you walk down the supermarket aisle looking for toothpaste,  you could be easily overwhelmed with the number of options that are available. So what are things to look for and what are merely  just gimmicks?
1) Fluoride and the Canadian Dental Association seal of approval that confirms fluoride content.
Fluoride is proven to help prevent tooth decay by reducing the amount of bacteria that cause cavities and by having the ability to make our enamel more resistant to the acid attacks caused by the cavity-formimg bacteria.
2) Child friendly flavours.
Once you have found a children’s toothpaste with fluoride, make sure the flavour is suitable for your child. Most kids don’t like mint flavour because they may find it ‘spicy’. So instead opt for fruit flavours like berry or watermelon or even bubble gum flavour. Most brands have their own version.
3) Sensitive teeth.
If you have above average sensitivity to cold drinks because of gum recession for example then sensitivity toothpaste may be helpful in coating the exposed root surfaces to reduce its temperature exposure when you are eating or drinking something cold. Keep in mind that you will need to use the toothpaste for a few weeks before noticing an improvement.
4) Whitening toothpastes are a gimmick.
To get true whitening of your teeth, you should speak to your dentist regarding different options of using whitening gel for your teeth. These toothpastes merely contain more abrasives that may help remove more surface staining but won’t truly whiten your teeth. This is similar with toothpastes containing baking soda.
5) Tartar control and mouthwash in toothpaste is another gimmick.
Only brushing and flossing regularly can truly prevent the buildup of plaque (which happens as quickly as overnight) and tartar (hardened version of plaque that forms when plaque isn’t adequately removed or missed when we brush and floss). Once tartar forms only your dental hygienist or dentist can remove it during your regular hygiene cleaning appointments at the dental office.

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